
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Book Reviews

I haven't had time to review most of the books I read in 2008 and 2009, but I plan to review all books in 2010 (we'll see how that goes!)

I did make notes of the books I read in 2009, but it'd take too long to blog all 104 of them (plus the ones I couldn't finish...)

Will try a rating scale this year, as I like the book blogs that have one:

***** = Favorite of all time (potential re-read)
**** = Great! But probably won't re-read
*** = It's okay... didn't waste my time
** = Not really for me... but others may like it
* = Ummm... why did I waste my time?

Note: I also abandon books... those will receive no stars. They aren't necessarily worse than 1 star, just that I couldn't finish for one reason or another so I don't feel right to rate them. I will explain why I can't finish though.

I don't usually re-read books (too many other books to read!) so it'll have to be a very special (to me) books to have 5 stars. I haven't come across many that'd only have 1 star. I try to be objective, but of course all reviews will be my own opinions only. I believe in honest reviews. Will my opinions change in the future? Possibly, but I'll rate the books as I read them at that time. 


  1. Hey thanks for visiting my blog. I agree it's nice to see someone else who reads lots of nonfiction. There aren't many out there. I've subscribed to your blog and will be reading it from now on.

  2. Christa,
    You entered my book giveaway to get the book The Survivor's Club. Posting on your blog is the only way for me to reach you cause you didn't leave any contact info. If you want to be entered for a chance to win, you have to leave contact info and become a follower.

    I don't want you to lose out on the chance to get the book, so stop back by the blog and leave your contact info. I was going to follow you, but I see you don't have Google Friend Connect.

  3. good luck with your 2010 goal of reviewing all books you read and with the new rating system!
